• At paperboy's homepage in Slack, click on [βš™ Settings] and follow the strokes:

    1. Insert the URL that you use to browse your Tableau's workspace. Once you hit [Next], we will check the connectivity between our servers and your Tableau environment, just in case any additional rule is preventing the communication from paperboy's IP addresses ( and

    2. Assign and input a valid Tableau user credential** to paperboy. The credential must be enough to navigate through the desired workspaces at Tableau that you want to connect. We will also test the authorization granted and, if we find any issue, we'll let you know.

    3. That's it! Paperboy is ready to deliver your dashboards wherever and whenever you want!


*You should be the app administrator in order to set or modify the settings. By default, the user that first install the application will receive administrative rights and would be the one that can change the role afterward at [βš™ Settings].

**If you prefer to grant paperboy's user a Personal Access Token at Tableau, please send our domestiques a message, through the app interface or through our support form. We are here for you!


  • There're several ways to ask paperboy to schedule a report for you:

You can access paperboy's menu through the shortcut button;

You can mention him in a conversation and wait him to return the options for you;

You can trigger him by slash command (/schedule_paperboy);

Or you can simply go to the app home page and click Schedule Report!

  • Once the menu pops out, you can choose one or more dashboards pre loaded from your Tableau's workspace, that you'd like to schedule.

Define where you want paperboy to publish your dashboards (you can choose multiple places, as well!).

And , finally, choose the recurrence of the posts. Depending on what you choose, a new pop up window will show the next steps with the options that match your choice. Let's say you chose daily reports and now you want to repeat every day.

  • Now, just select the target time, your timezone and the date of the first post!

  • When you submit, paperboy will bring a summary of your request.

And, if the app is not already a member of one of the channels you previously chose, an option for him to join, will appear.

Just click to select your option and confirm!


There it is! Your reports are scheduled and ready to be posted when the time comes!

All your scheduled reports are available at the app home page, where you can check a preview of what you've just done!


  • Like other features of paperboy, there're several ways to trigger the dashboard shoot:

You can access paperboy's menu through the shortcut button;

You can mention him in a conversation and wait him to return the options for you;

You can trigger him by slash command (/shoot-paperboy );

Or you can simply go to the app home page and click Shoot a Dashboard!

  • Once the menu pops out, you can choose one or more dashboards pre loaded from your Tableau's workspace. After your choice, paperboy will bring you a preview of the dashboard chosen, for you double-check if this is really what you want to post. If not, just click the button to choose another one!

  • Now, just select the target conversation you want to drop the dashboard and, optionally, write an introductory message for your audience.

  • When you submit, paperboy will post a message where you wanted, giving you the credits for this shot!



  • Whenever you need an extra wheel, just head to paperboy's home page in Slack, select the [🦺 Support] button to start a new chat with one of our Domestiques.

  • You can describe your problem, attach files, images and error messages.

  • All the troubleshooting and analysis regarding your issue will be updated in the corresponding thread, initiated by paperboy with you.

  • If you also want to send new information that you found about your problem, you also can enrich the same thread!
